3rd Class Mooladhara Chakra


The Mooladhara chakra is the base and the root of the subtle system. Being the support of the energy Kundalini, if we develop a strong Mooladhara the ascent of Kundalini will be more stable and steady. It will make the process of awakening all the other chakras much easier.

There are four petals in this chakra, as there is four sub plexus in the sacrum plexus that is the physical expression.

The first petal is on left side of the Mooladhara. We have the quality of the purity and chastity and when this petal is enlightened this power starts manifesting it helps the energy kundalini purify all the other chakras and nadis. Once we experience this source of purity flowing in ourselves, we can feel the flow of cool vibration emanating from us. This vibrations have the power to purify and enlighten. This experience is very important as it will settle the full faith in ourselves and in the all-pervading energy around us in our awareness. Once our awareness knows that we are pure and a source of purity, nothing and nobody can pull us down and we can establish the state of permanent peace and joy in a very spontaneous and natural way.

This experience awakens the energy of the second petal of the Mooladhara, that faces downwards. This petal gives us the quality of faith in ourselves and in the all-pervading energy. Once we know we are pure this faith becomes natural within us. We know nothing wrong is going to happen to us. We know that we are blessed and that we should bless others. We know that no negativity can affect us. This power of faith has the power of protection from any negative energy with it. Is connected to the central heart that gives us the quality of security.

The third petal of the Mooladhara is on the right side and is connected to the pingala nadi and to the ego. In this petal resides the quality of innocence and humility. This quality is related to the connection with the all-pervading power through which we become like small children enjoying our lives and the present. We become spontaneous. The nature around us makes our lives auspicious and only good and positive things happen to us. As  this petal is connected with the right side  and the ego, we become active personalities but in balance knowing that the source of all our actions is the Divine and the Spirit, our body and mind are just an instrument of the Divine to act in this world. That prevents the ego to overpower us. Innocence is against ego and with the awakening of this quality we get the antidote to it.

In the fourth petal that faces upwards resides the pure desire to experience the spirit. The power of evolution related to the central channel starts in this petal and with it the experience of meditation becomes very energetic and effective.There is a great connection between this petal and the central essences of all the other chakras and with the Sahasrara chakra in particular, helping us to strengthen our connection with the Divinity in ourselves.



In this meditation we focus in the four petals of the Mooladhara and their connections with other chakras and nadis. Just let the energy flow and allow the enlightenment of your Mooladhara take place.

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