4th Class Swadishtana Chakra


The right channel starts in the Swadishtana chakra. It is the source of our mental and physical activity. This chakra has 6 petals and the fire element is its essence.

When the chakra evolves our actions are based in the energy of love and our creativity expresses the  beauty of the pure vibrations of eternal value. 

The left side of the chakra gives us the quality of pure knowledge. When the Mother Kundalini awakens we start getting the knowledge of the chakras and of our inner being. With it, we start realizing what are our strengths and weaknesses. At this point it is very important to develop the quality of patience and faith in ourselves. As we will start seeing all the defects that we have acquired we should work with patience till we are able to get rid of all our bad habits and get the state of balance. We should not feel guilty if we still commit mistakes, as this will never help us face ourselves and get the transformation. Faith in ourselves is also very important as this will help us rise above our old personality before self realization to the new spiritual personality in state of balance.

After we achieve the complete knowledge of our inner being we have to go beyond it as we have to rise to the pure state of spirit. Here we surrender to the continuous and infinite ocean of love and compassion. At this point we settle our awareness in a permanent state of balance instead of focusing in our and others' defects  we focus our attention in the positiveness in everything and even if something apparently negative comes to our attention we have the power of forgiveness and compassion to transform the negative in positive. At this state we decide to choose the Divine part in everything, keeping the flow of love to everyone, even if anything tries to harm us.

In the right side of the chakra resides the power of action. When it is in the state of balance we became active personalities but without any ego. Then we are in command of the energy of action but this energy doesn't overpower us. When there is an excess of this energy we can't control it and it makes us run in a non stopping activities which takes away all our peace and joy. Then we became dry in our personality and the feelings of our heart disappear. Then appears the anger and we become aggressive. This energy overpowers our life and we start judging everyone and everything. But if we really want to grow this energy has to be diverted to judge ourselves instead of others. This introspection can stop the overpowering effect of this chakra.

The  right channel starts in the Swadishtana chakra and ends in the ego, so there is a direct connection between these two parts. The ego is just an idea that we have accepted in our awareness. We think we are individual beings separated from the everything and from others. This false idea is the source of all the imbalances in our chakras and in our being. When we accept that we are separated from everything we have to rise above others. This starts a process that makes our mind start judging others. In this way the ego tries to rise above others. This process goes against our real being which is in the heart and which gives us the real power of love and compassion. The ego starts conflicts, fights, and wars, but the spirit spreads harmony, peace and joy. Is important that we realize this happening as we have to reestablish the kingdom of the heart in our being by surrendering this tendency of looking at the defects in others. 

The ego has to be treated with compassion and love as it is part of our being. There is no need to fight with our ego, there is no need to condemn it, it has to be treated like a child that has to realize that this false idea of separation is a source of the suffering in us and in others. 

In the central part of our Swadishtana we realize that we are not individual beings but one cell of a big body that is the complete universe. Then we become instruments of this universe to spread the light of the spirit to enlighten the world. 




In this meditation we focus in the attention and the integration with our heart and our brain.

Download meditation of attention in mp3


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