5th Class Nabhi Chakra


The Nabhi Chakra is the basis of our well being. Our relationship with the material world is the main issue that stops us from reaching the spiritual state of the heart, as our attention is more involved with materialism. Our relation with our family, job and money is controlled by this chakra.

In the left side of the Nabhi are the qualities of satisfaction and peace, that manifest in our inner being independently of our material wealth. It is important to understand that this is an innate quality, as the human mind gets easily confused and runs after the material wealth thinking that this will give us  peace of mind. On the other side, when we accumulate more and more wealth the worries about it increase as we don't want to lose our wealth. The balance is very important in this chakra and to have enough money to live but not in excess helps to keep the state of inner peace and satisfaction.

When the left Nabhi is not balanced and there are catches in the chakra the feeling of unsatisfaction creates an energy that accelerates our activity. This imbalance also affects our diet.

The relation with the money is indeed very important and to develop the confidence and faith instead of the permanent worries about the money is needed to balance the Nabhi Chakra. Worrying or not is not going to help us solve our material problems but the habit to worry all the time produces more unsatisfaction in our mind.

The relation with the family is also controlled by the left Nabhi. The housewife has an important role in nourishing, giving sustent and protection to the family. In the housewife resides the power to transform and improve the energy of the family. This is an expression of the generosity of a Mother that gives everything that the child needs. The relation between the husband and wife is also in the left Nabhi.

In the right Nabhi we have the quality of dignity. This produces an energy in our personality of self respect that makes us other treat ourselves with due respect. Also the pure attention emanates from the right Nabhi and through it we can concentrate and focus our attention instead of moving away from one thing to another continuously. This quality is important in the meditation process, as only through our attention we can get the experience of the chakras and our subtle system.

The central Nabhi manifests the quality of searching the truth. Once we have satisfied our basic needs we start seeking the truth beyond the material world. This is the higher principle of the Nabhi chakra that takes us beyond the material world to the spiritual world. For that we have to develop the love and compassion for others and learn how to share and help others through the material wealth, instead of getting trapped in it.




In this meditation we awaken the qualities of the Nabhi chakra in the left, right and center.

Download meditation of Nabhi Chakra in mp3 


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